Saturday, June 4, 2016

Happy 40th to me!!

I can not believe that I am 40 years old!  Wow how did this happen.  I can't thank Maddie and Kris enough who helped the boys color an awesome sign and got me candy, beer and flowers.  I also was so touched by the flowers I got from my husband, and friends and family.  I felt so very loved that day.

There is a Y in the sign you just can see it.  : )  Matthew did a great job coloring and staying in the lines! Guess which part Ethan did?  : )

Birthday cupcakes courtesy of Grandma!  Yummmm!

All the flowers were so beautiful!!!!

What a sweet boy just laying in the sun. 
Then as if all the flowers weren't enough... my friend Deb insisted on taking me out the weekend after my birthday and it was all very strange but.... we ended up at a beed shop and my mom had put together a surprise party for me!!!  I was so incredibly touched and so honored that all of my amazingly busy friends found the time to come.  And I can thank my mom enough for putting so much time and energy into putting this all together!  I have the best mom ever!!!!!  She made all the food her self and it was AMAZING!!!  We made jewelry and it was a real blast!  Thank you Mom for the amazing memories and for a fantastic night!!!

The ladies!!

Having fun with the girls!

I love these girls so much!  Life would be so empty without girlfriends!

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