Monday, July 19, 2010

He loves his toys.

I have been thinking a lot about how soon Anthony is going back.  UGH!  I am going to miss him so much, but at the same time, he has seem so bored lately that I think he is ready to learn new things.  When he isn't with us I try to focus on Vigo.   It's amazing how quickly the little puppies learn.

While I took a bath last night, Vigo snuggled with one of his favorite toys, the GoNought stick (one of the best GDB approved toys ever).  He loves to sleep on his toys, its so cute. 

Vigo has been having some diarrhea problems and is on the rice and cottage cheese diet.  As a result he seems to be hungry a lot.  Here he is looking up at me saying "please stop taking my picture and give me my food"

The best puppy is a quietly resting puppy. 


Amanda said...

I love the picture of him with his goughnut stick. He is so cute cuddling it. :)

Raiser Erin said...

Those pictures are so cute! It seems that a lot of puppies are having diarrhea problems as of late. Poor baby.

Cassie & The Dogs said...

Too cute! Love him cuddling with his stick. Poppy was one of the testers for the stick. I gave it to her in the back of the SUV on our way home. She was so bouncy with it, I was thinking I should put up a sign saying "If the cars a rockin..."

We are doing CCR too - only minus the CC and plus chicken baby food and Flagyl. Ugh!

Lauren said...

That is the cutest photo ever of Vigo snuggling up with his GoNought stick. Don wishes he had such an awesome bed like Vigo's :) I got Don a GoNougt and he didn't like it much, but I think I will have to try the stick. It sounds like a favorite among the dogs!

Get better soon, Vigo!