Friday, September 11, 2009

great news or bad news

So depending on how you look at it this is great news or bad news..... Gardner has made it to phase 7!!!!  Way to go Gardner!!  I love him dearly and would love for him to get career changed and come back to live with the Guys but at the same time I think he would be a great guide dog and it would be a very happy life for him.  So to Gardner I say:  "keep up the good work knuckle head!"

Eve is still great and will be with us until Sunday.  Her latest thing is that she doesn't like her drag line trailing behind her.  All dogs wear a soft drag line in the house when they are young so we can give corrections quickly and effectively.  Eve, not liking her bright pink drag line, has taken to turning and picking it up in smack in the middle (so it won't drag) and carries it in her mouth when she is walking around.  It is the cutest thing.  I keep trying to snap a photo but every time she see the camera she drops the line.

Eve enjoys a morning sunbeam.

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