Monday, January 11, 2010

We made it!!!

Hello All!  Alex and I finally made it to Bangkok!  We left Denver at 3AM, sat on the runway for over two hours while Lovely Northworst arlines fixed the plane - twice! - and then we made it to Mineappolis.  From there we boarded a plane to Tokyo - 12+ hour flight.  UGH!!  Oh, what I would have given to have been able to crack my ears!!  The Tokyo airport was really neat.  We have never been to Japan before so we really enjoyed walking around the airport.  Then we got on the plane to Bangkok - only another 8 hour flight.  : ) This is where I could not take the pain of my sinuses anymore or the nausea and so took a darvacet and went to sleep on alex's shoulder.  We arrived in Bangkok at 11pm caught a cab to our B and B and went to sleep!  What a long trip but it will be worth it!!

Day # 1 Bangkok---  We had a great first day.  We went to the Grand Palace and to Wat Pho.  Then after hours of walking in 95 degree heat we went to the mecical school and got a one hour Thai message for 10 bucks!!  We had planed on going out for dinner but when we made it back to our hotel room at 4pm we made the mistake of laying down ---  we woke up at 3am.  Ooops.  I guess we needed the sleep.  The time change is 12 hours and it is tough to completely change your time clock.  Below are a few pics from the first day.  I took over 200 put I promise to only post a few.  I will get the rest up on Flickr when I get time.

View of the artic from the plane

Alex in our first room in Bangkok.  Simple yet only $20 bucks! 

Becareful which ketchup you grab. 

Alex and I at the Grand Palace. 

I tried to upload more pics but it took FOREVER so here are few for now. 

1 comment:

Mrs. H said...

Yeah, I'm glad you are there! I was hoping your traveling would go smoothly! Looks like you are out having fun already! I look forward to catching up when you get back!