Saturday, October 31, 2009

A fun day

We took today easy as I was recovering from an exhausting migraine headache the day before.  So Alex, my mom, Anthony and I drove to Estes Park and drove through Rocky Mountain National Park in order to see the pretty mountains covered in snow.  We then drove to Boulder to the Celestial Seasons Tea Factory and enjoyed a fabulous dinner at the Med.   We got really lucky and saw lots of Animals and Anthony was so good all day.  I was super proud of him!  He didn't even get scared by all the crazy drunk college students on pearl street in Boulder.   Without further ado, here are some pics of the day:

A big beautiful bull was raiding a ladies bird feeder.

Handsome rocky mountain sheep

 The young males were practicing head butting.  This is as they raise up and run toward each other.

The noise when they hit was so loud!

While the boys where butting heads, Mom and Baby went for a stroll.

Alex, Anthony and I up at "Many Curves Point".

Mom takes a picture of the mountains and of herself. (in the review mirror).  Silly mom!

Field full of Elk.

A big group of yearling Elk and their females.

We tasted some great teas and Anthony loved all of the things to smell.

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