Thursday, May 7, 2009

will my husband ever learn?

So I don't know if it is his age or what but no matter how many walks I take Gardner on he seems to be bored and have new boundless energy. Don't get me wrong, he is still an amazingly calm and well behaved dog but for him he as been overly energetic. This morning while I was trying to get ready for work he was driving me nuts with loudly dropping his bone on the floor and then standing on it and scooting it across the tile. No amount of "that's enough" stopped him and when I took the bone away from him he then decided he had to lean up against me and smell everything. So I took off my robe and put it over him. This got me about 4 minutes of peace and since I had my i-phone in the bathroom (I know, don't ask why) I took a quick picture of the silly puppy.

Gardner covered in my robe and tail wagging like crazy.

So this time I just couldn't bear to take a picture. I know that seems strange for me...but my wonderful loving husband had to leave Gardner at home for an hour today while he went to class. So as usual he put him in the Gardner room but decided not to take up the pillows on the sofa. He figured that just because Gardner had torn one up before didn't mean he would do it again. I mean seriously!!!!! What was he thinking? Of course he was going to tear up a pillow, he had so much fun doing it last time why wouldn't he do it again? So of course when he came home he found Gardner sleeping peacefully in a mess of torn up pillow. Thank goodness for Gardner, he doesn't appear to have eaten any of it. Smart puppy, silly husband!

Tonight we went to visit a friend at the Loveland Surgical Center and Gardner got to come and visit her too. Laurie had surgery yesterday and has been hurting really bad and doesn't like staying in the hospital so Gardner really helped cheer her up. He really enjoyed all of the smells in the center and brought a smile to Laurie's face. On the way home we stopped for dessert at Mimi's Cafe and Gardner was a perfect angle.

Gardner, being a good guide dog resting under the table and not eating anything. Check out my hubbies sexy legs. Oh la la!

Gardner has gotten so big that he barley fits in the front seat floor of my car. I have to admit though that I kind of like it because it keeps him close.

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