Sunday, October 18, 2009

My next four tier cake

One of my favorite MA's at work was having a birthday party for her 3 year old daughter this weekend and she asked me to make a big cake for the party.  I was really nervous given that my last attempt collapsed but I think this one worked out ok.  Here is the process and the finished product that to the best of my knowledge never fell over.  Her daughter loves stars and pink and so that was the theme of the cake.

Some of the layers with crumb coatings on them.

The cake with the butter cream icing and before decorations,
and I was checking to make sure it wouldn't fall over.

The cake with the fondant decorations.

The cake assembled at the party with the tiara on top.


Mrs. H said...

BEAUTIFUL! Looks like it survived the car ride over, and it really looks like a professional!!! Despite what Alex says, I think you have a gift/skill!

lauren said...

I'm impressed!